Saturday, December 29, 2012

In My Absence!

Unfortunantly I have been quite neglectful these past two months, but in order to catch up I'll give a quick recap of the holidays!

and I promise, promise, PROMISE to keep updated from here on out.

So enjoy!
First Halloween:
We discovered that Jaxson isn't much of a fan of Halloween. Or pumpkins. But I couldn't resist at least attempting to get a decent picture of this for the baby book. Alas, the closest I came was this:

At least he wasn't screaming.

First Thanksgiving:

I only add this picture because 1) I, for whatever reason, failed to take any others throughout the day, and 2) his adorable jean jacket/ flannel shirt combo. Irresistible.

First Christmas:
He was part of a photo shoot for a calendar through a breast feeding class we attend, but as you can see, he wasn't really into the idea. The month of December 2013 will feature a bunch of happy babies.. and a screaming Jax. So it begins!

He had no interest whatsoever in Santa. I cannot wait to compare this photo with the gem I'm sure we'll have next year.

Though we had to pay the ER a visit at 5am on Christmas eve morning, (due to suspected RSV but luckily it turned out to be just a cold) he was as happy as could be about opening presents!

And he loved the wrapping paper on Christmas morning more than he did his presents. Which is fine, since he received an overwhelming amount of clothes from a mother who is convinced he must be dressed at his best ever day.... no comment here.

All in all, these first few holidays of his were wonderful! He met so much of his family and was cuddled, swooned over, and stolen from my arms more times than I could keep track of!

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